I am passionate about ensuring that all people have access to evidence-based information as they prepare for baby, as I have seen and experienced how overwhelming it can be to want to make the right decisions. I also am very organised, and can provide that extra touch as people prepare their home for baby. I have worked in evidence-based public maternal health programs and always been fascinated by birth; I now want to personally help people through that important time in their life.

  • Antenatal education covering physiological birth, Caesarean, positions/comfort measures for pregnancy and birth, pain management options, infant feeding, and newborn sleep

  • Discussing stages of labour, your birth preferences, and what birth might look like for you

  • Emotional support

  • Helping to prepare your home for baby, advice on what to purchase (and what you can skip!)

  • Attending and/or debriefing antenatal appointments

  • Discussing what to expect in the postnatal period

  • Adapting the birthing environment to your needs

  • Helping you to move around to stay comfortable during labour

  • Advocating for your wants and needs to medical team

  • Guidance to birth partner on how to support during labour and delivery

  • Support and encouragement during labour and delivery

  • Gentle massage during labour

  • Education/information around looking after a baby

  • Helping and supporting with infant feeding

  • Making a meal, making sure the whole family is well fed and watered!

  • Light housework (washing up, folding and putting away the washing, sweeping)

  • Holding/taking care of baby so you have time to take care of you

  • Accompanying first outing, including babywearing and breastfeeding away from home

Get in Touch

Please submit your contact info and a brief message, and I will get back to you within 48 hours.